Guardians of the Gravity Falls

Since today is Summerween – according to Gravity Falls – and Guardians of the Galaxy is still fresh in everyone’s mind, I thought this rather epic mash-up of the two fandoms would be perfect for my Image of the Day.

Drawn by Ken Turner, Mable and Dipper lead the team as Mabora and Dip-Lord, but Grunkle Stan as Drax is the best!

Superhero Tan Lines

Superhero Tan Lines

Today marks the first official day of Summer, and the longest day of the year, so make sure you wear plenty of sun cream, or you’ll end up like these iconic DC superheroes – can you guess which one is which?

See Mike Draws shows us what happens when you wear your costume out in the sun – though I can’t imagine Batman or Robin get too many tan lines since they mainly fight crime at night.

Villains Need Love Too

If you’re struggling through Monday as much as I am, you might appreciate these illustrations by artist Nacho Diaz – they’ve certainly made my week a hell of a lot better. Depicting heroes hugging their evil counterpart / misunderstood frenemies – depending on which way your moral compass points, these pictures are beyond cute.

Diaz’s collection is aptly named Villains need love too, and include the likes of Batman and the Joker, Harry and Voldemort, Han Solo and Jabba, and my favourite – Deadpool and.. Deadpool. You can see my favourites below, but if you need more cute in your life, check the rest out here. Which one’s your favourite?

Days of Future Past

Happy birthday Marty McFly! I came across this Back to the Future fan art by Jarreau Wimberly this morning, and just had to share it to commemorate Mcfly’s 49th year on earth.

I’ve seen a lot of BTTF mash-ups in my time, but this has got to be one of my favourites. Wimberly re-imagines the classic Back to the Future poster, replacing Marty and Doc with Logan and Deadpool, and the title with a slightly more appropriate one.

I would watch the hell out of this. How about you?

Silence Earthling. My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan! – Marty Mcfly

Orange is the New Cat

Image of the Day | Orange is the New Cat

Season 5 of Orange is the New Black launched on Netflix today, so as I sit on my bed in a bright orange, Litchfield onesie that my best friend gave me last year, half way through episode one, I felt the need to share this awesome – or.. pawesome (sorry not sorry) – illustration.

If you’ve ever wondered what the cast would look like as cat’s, take it all in. I’m just a little bit in love with Pennsatucky myself.

And now I leave you with my favourite OITNB quote:

Did you ever see that one movie, the one where there’s this cowboy, and he’s like the king of the castle, and then this astronaut shows up, and he tries to take over, and so the cowboy attempts to murder him, but instead, the astronaut is taken hostage by this evil psychopath, and the cowboy has to rescue him, and then they end up becoming really good friends – Morello.

Can you guess the movie she’s talking about? Whats’ your favourite quote from Orange is the New Black? Will you be watching this new season?

Evolution of the Geek


Happy Geek Pride Day! If you’re reading this blog, then you’re probably slightly geeky inclined. You may not know that you’re a geek, but chances are that if you’re passionate about something – you know that excitable, hyperventilating, almost stalker like passion – you’re probably a geek.

Now, that of course is my own personal opinion, because the term Geek mean’s something different to everybody. As someone who was labelled ‘geek’ super young, purely because they were clever, liked to read, and wore glasses to school, I haven’t always been fond of the term.

In fact, I wanted nothing to do with the term. I just couldn’t get my head around the fact that if you looked a certain way, you were called a geek. And that’s still how a lot of people see it. They think that if somebody is smart or different, then they’re a geek.

But I’ve come to realise that being a geek isn’t a label, it’s a feeling. I’ve had a lot of time to think about what being a geek means to me, and I think Simon Pegg described it best:

Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It’s basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating.

So what does being a geek mean to me?

It means I can get excited about movies years before they come out. It means I have a library full of amazing books that I can easily teleport in to. It means I can spend hours playing video games and completely forget about the world I actually live in. It means I can collect toys because toys are awesome and anyone who tells you they aren’t obviously hasn’t looked or played with one in about 20 years. It means I live an ordinary life like everyone else – I go to work, and eat, and sleep – but I also have one kick ass imagination that never allows anything to get truly boring.

What does being a geek mean to you? Let me know.

Disney in Autumn by Isaiah Stephens


The amazing Isaiah Stephens, who created this incredibly creative All Grown Up series a few years back, has returned with a new collection of pop culture illustrations – this time in the form of Disney Princesses.

Partnering up with Cosmopolitan, the pictures show what the world of Disney is like in the Autumn; where ball gowns are traded in for comfy jumpers, and pumpkins are being carved – not turned into carriages.

My favourite illustration looks at the costumes some of princesses would pick to wear at Halloween – Jasmine as Wonder Woman being my favourite. You can check out the rest of his images below.


Meet Cute by Nan Lawson


Did you guys have a nice Valentine’s Day? I hope you all managed to do something special with your loved ones – if that included going to see Deadpool, you definitely did Saint Valentine proud.

Seen as love is still fresh on everyone’s mind, I thought I’d show you this lovely collection of prints created by Nan Lawson. The series is called ‘Meet Cute’ and depicts iconic couples from an array of different pop culture franchises, stood back to back with dewy faces and wide eyes.

Hearing the term Meet Cute automatically reminds me of that scene in The Holiday where adorable Arthur explains what it means; “It’s how two characters meet in a movie. Say a man and a woman both need something to sleep in, and they both go to the same men’s pajama department. And the man says to the salesman: ‘I just need bottoms’. The woman says: ‘I just need a top’. They look at each other, and that’s the meet cute”

Lawson’s interpretation of this is definitely on point. Even though the couples aren’t face to face, there’s something incredibly romantic about their back to back stance, and the way they seem to merge into each other as if they were slowly becoming one.

She’s managed to include tonnes of my favourite couples; The Doctor and Rose, Scott and Ramona, Zoe and Wash, Captain America and Peggy. She’s even drawn Jareth and Sarah from the Labyrinth which just looks so exquisite. Were any of your favourite couples included? What did you think of Lawson’s artwork?


Wee Little Stitches


Whilst having one of my ‘find all the awesome stuff on Etsy’ sessions, I came across a little online store called Weelittlestitches who create little cross stitched works of art. Using a needle and thread has never been something I’ve been particularly good at, so I was instantly impressed that someone had the patience.

I then noticed the nature of the art work and fell in love. Are these not the cutest nerdy pictures ever? Jacqueline and her husband have created images of loads of my favourite fandoms; Star Wars, TMNT, Game of Thrones, Sailor Moon. I kind of just want one of everything. In fact, I want a quilt made out of all of them. Someone make me a quilt?

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An Avengers Rainbow


The Avengers are huge at the moment, so it will come as no surprise to hear that artists everywhere are getting their ‘fanart’ on. I’ve seen all sorts of artwork based on the Marvel super team, one of my favourite being these Avenger Puppet Posters, but move over Andrew Kolb, I have a new favourite now.

Van Orton Designs have managed to create what I can only describe as an Avengers Rainbow. The collection, comprised of Iron Man, Hulk, Ultron, Captain America and Thor, is so psychedelic and colourful that it feels like I’ve gone to some crazy unicorn rave and swallowed a load of neon sherbet.

No but seriously, these posters are amazing. They give off a pop art vibe, and each combine various textures and colours to produce an image that stands out and excites. I’m a little sad they didn’t include Black Widow or Hawkeye, but love this style, and can’t wait to see what the team comes up with next. You can check out more of their designs here.